Fans visiting TD Ameritrade Park Omaha will now notice something new on the concourse this year – a new way to recycle their garbage. Throughout the ballpark, fans will see bright orange bags produced by Reynolds Consumer Products as part of the Hefty® EnergyBag™ program, a unique waste management process designed to convert previously non-recycled plastics into energy.
Baseball fans can now dispose of previously non-recycled plastics – including chip bags, candy bar wrappers and peanut bags – in bins containing Hefty® EnergyBag™ bright orange bags. “The sponsors of the Hefty® EnergyBag™ program are collaborating with the operators of TD Ameritrade Park Omaha as its first foray into the world of sports,” said Han Zhang, Ph.D., Sustainability and Advocacy Manager for Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics. “We look forward to introducing a new form of waste management at sporting events.”
Stadium staff and local haulers will collect the bright orange bags from regular recycling bins and carts. A local First Star Recycling facility will sort the bags and send them to Systech Environmental Corporation, which will then convert the bags and their contents into energy used to produce cement. The Hefty® EnergyBag™ program at TD Ameritrade Park Omaha is made possible through a collaborative effort between the Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention Authority (MECA), The Dow Chemical Company (Dow), Reynolds Consumer Products and First Star Recycling.
“MECA is excited to be part of this collaboration to help baseball fans visiting the ballpark prevent unnecessary landfill waste,” said Roger Dixon, MECA President/CEO.
“We’re always searching for ways to make our facilities more environmentally friendly and we think this unique program is a great addition to our current recycling efforts.” Since launching in the Omaha area in September 2016, the Hefty® EnergyBag™ program has expanded from 6,000 to 8,500 households. As of June 2017, the program has collected more than 12,000 bags, diverting more than six tons of plastic previously destined for landfills.
To learn more about the Hefty® EnergyBag™ program, visit